Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Market For Soft Drinks At UBS University †

Question: Discuss about the Market For Soft Drinks At UBS University. Answer: Introduction The scope of this assignment relates to USB University, which is a large university. The purpose of this assignment is to create the understanding of the soft drink market in the University amongst students (Jensen, 2013). From the whole industry, one particular product 375ml cane has been selected as the sample product for the purpose of this study. The primary or personal data has been collected by the way of the questionnaire. These questionnaire is to be filled by the students for which a particular class of the student is selected. This class has being selected because it is not possible for analysing reviews from whole universitys students. After the selection of the technique and preparing a questionnaire, analysis research has been divided into two segments, which are international and local students (Pierce, 2013). Data analysis According to Pierce Shoup (2013), data analysis concerns itself with facts and the figures of the present situation in any organization. Data analysis techniques are of two types primary and the secondary. For the purpose of this study primary data analysis techniques has been used in order to create the understanding of sofdrink among the students. Primary data are more reliable because, it has been collected by the personal observation, not by the secondary or unreliable sources. Primary source in this study is a questionnaire and these questionnaires are prepared by the group of 5 people or students. Data collected is analysed using basic analysis, behaviour of local student alongside international students and lastly in cases of advanced scenarios as given below; The Proportion of the students- In this study questionnaire has been filled up by the student of the last semester. Where the ratio between local and international student is 5:2. This ration indicates the 50 students are local and remaining 20 are international. The data have been analyzed on 70 random students and on the basis their behavior towards the soft drink consumption. The Relationship between the price and average quantity consumed According to Feldstein (2012), prices are eventually the amount paid for buying any commodity (Feldstein, 2012). Prices affect the behavior of both the consumers and sellers. Average quantity consumed is basically the average cans consumed by the individual or average amounts consumed by the students. This has already been defined as the average consumption per student. According to De Jonghe (2012), demand is defined as the quantity demanded for any commodity, at a particular point of time and at a particular price (De Jonghe, et. al. 2012). Demand is affected by the prices as the price increases the demand tends to down and vice a versa. Demand fluctuates due to many reasons, as for example substitution effects and normal goods and so on and so forth. Hence, it has been clear that the demand increase with the fall in prices thus, implying a negative relationship between the both. As a result of the change in prices, demand of an individual change and impacts the average quantity consumed. So the prices and the average quantity consumed are interrelated with each other. As the price increases consumer purchases less of it and vice a versa. As for example, prices for Pepsi increase and demand for Pepsi declines and for Cokeincreases. Most popular and the least popular drink According to Sanchez (2013), students prefer the cans of Pepsi instead of Cokeand other brands (Sanchez, et. al. 2013). Pepsi is quite strong in taste which is preferred by the youth or students. Pepsi is more popular among the international students because Pepsi is a more popular international brand. Limca is the least popular drink among the students between both the classes of the students. Every student has different perception regarding their choice, taste and preferences and so on. It has been concluded from the questionnaire that Cokeand Pepsi both are the priorities of the international and the local students. Loyalty towards any brand among the students According to Snipes Benotsch (2013), Loyalty towards a particular brand is there amongst students, but this perception differs from student to student (Snipes, 2013). International clients tend to have more loyalty toward their brand instead of locals. But this data also have certain discrepancies. Some students get attracted towards the discounted substitution effect when they get a huge discount on any certain product. Some clients develops loyalty till and until, discount is not so huge, so every kind of students is available in the university. For example, if the prices of Pepsi increase and prices of Cokedecrease, then the customers will buy more of the Cokeand shift their brand. Demand difference between local and international students According to Basu (2013), local and international students have different tastes and preferences (Basu, et. al. 2013).. International students are habituated with particular taste or brand and local ones are of them. Local ones are getting their taste in their country hence, they are more demanding for the products of their country instead of international. International clients have their brand loyalty so usually they demand less of local products. Most and least popular drinks among local students, how does this compare with the preferences of the international student According to Amangala (2013), local students are used to their Cokecans, which are in individual packs; these cans are popular among them because these are quite affordable for the students (Amangala, 2013). Local students are not used to consume expensive and international beverages. On the contrary, international students are quite conscious regarding what they drink and the tastes of their country, so they prefer the international brands and tastes. They are also worried regarding the diet and more conscious about the calories and various other factors. Hence, they have quite different perception however, there are some exceptions also in this study. International students are not attracted by the prices, they just want to consume their product, and they are quite loyal towards their brands. Are local students more loyal to their brand than international students? No, local students are not that much loyal towards the brands because they are used to all brands available in their country. Hence, they are attracted with the huge discounts with some exceptions. International students are more loyal usually because they are hardly getting their tastes in all local drinks. So they prefer only their drinks and they hardly get attracted towards other brands. According to questionnaire every type of students is there with different characteristics. Students selects Pepsi as their common brand because Pepsi is a trustable and more preferred brand. Pepsi is one of the oldest and the trustable brand with the good market image. The market image and affordable prices are two most attractive factors for students to stick with Pepsi, as their first choice. Summary From this study it can be concluded that, every student has their own taste and preferences. Some students are have their brand loyalty, but some do not and some have loyalty to a limited extent. International and local students have different perception towards their preferences and brand loyalty for a product. Demand for products also differs with the change in prices. Average demand and prices of the products are interrelated which changes with the change in prices and discounts. International and local students have different tastes and different popular drinks among them. References Amangala, T. (2013). The Effect of Demographic Characteristics on Organisational Commitment: a Study of Salespersons in the Soft Drink Industry in Nigeria. Basu, S., McKee, M., Galea, G., Stuckler, D. (2013). Relationship of soft drink consumption to global overweight, obesity, and diabetes: a cross-national analysis of 75 countries.American journal of public health,103(11), 2071-2077. De Jonghe, C., Hobbs, B. F., Belmans, R. (2012). Optimal generation mix with short-term demand response and wind penetration.IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,27(2), 830-839. Feldstein, P. J. (2012).Health care economics. Cengage Learning. Jensen, J. D., Smed, S. (2013). The Danish tax on saturated fatshort run effects on consumption, substitution patterns and consumer prices of fats.Food Policy,42, 18-31. Pierce, G., Shoup, D. (2013). 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